Weekly Round-Up #197: Get LinkedIn, Silver Surfers And What To Do When You Die


In this week’s round-up we take a look at how you can supercharge your Linkedin profile, why your shouldn’t be ignoring the 65+ age bracket when it comes to your online offerings and what documents you should put together in case you pass away suddenly.

Weekly Round-Up #197: Get LinkedIn, Silver Surfers And What To Do When You Die
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Hello and welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a productive week. In this week’s round-up we take a look at how you can supercharge your Linkedin profile, why your shouldn’t be ignoring the 65+ age bracket when it comes to your online offerings and what documents you should put together in case you pass away suddenly.

The Ultimate Linkedin Cheat Sheet – Leisure Jobs

I’m never quite sure what to make of Linkedin. I get network requests from people I have never heard of in industries I have no interest in – of course I accept them as it makes me look popular, right? Anyway, apparently Linkedin can be quite useful if you’re looking for work or wanting to put yourself out there as an industry expert so here’s how to use the Network that’s social-but-not-social effectively.

The UK’s Safest Places To Live – Compare The Market

I live in a semi-rural area that fortunately has a low crime rate – and the majority of crime is caused by people passing through. If you’re thinking of moving then you may want to check out Compare The Market’s “Safest Places To Live” in the UK where you can filter by Crime, weather or even how long you’ll have to wait in A&E!

Bezos: The Makings Of The World’s Richest Man – RS Online

If you’re not aware Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is even richer than Bill Gates being worth a mere $150 billion. But what does he do with all of that money? He invests in other companies to make even more money of course! This infographic gives a breakdown of where he’s put some of his money – I’ve not even heard of some of them so he obviously knows what he’s doing!

Companies Discover Benefits Of Caring For Employees’ Mental Health – Counseling@Northwestern

It used to be that (even just a few years ago) if you were suffering from stress, depression or other “non-physical” illnesses you’d not be believed, told that you were imagining it and to “man up”. In the worse case scenarios your bosses may even get rid of you if you had too much time off. Fortunately, companies are now realising the importance of mental health and the impact they, as employers, have on their employees and how improving employee mental health can have a massively positive impact on their business.

How Self-Employment Can Affect Your Mental Health – Erin’s Inside Job

Just because you’re working for yourself doesn’t mean that you’re suddenly free and clear of stress and depression – in fact it can be even worse! Since I’ve started working for myself, it’s a really oddity for me to even leave the house. Without the emotional backing of a company behind you or colleagues to bounce ideas off, self-employment can be a lonely life but don’t lose heart! Erin has some great tips to help solopreneurs beat depression.

Gardening For Beginners: Your First Garden And More – Groom And Style

The nights may be drawing in here in the UK but there are still things we can be planting – and if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere you’ll be thinking of your spring garden now! This fun article tells you how to set up a garden and shows you what you can grow in different climates. As we’re all trying to be more environmentally conscious these days it certainly makes sense to try to become more self-sufficient and sustainable – I didn’t have to buy any lettuce, tomatoes or Cucumbers this summer which saved me a small fortune and reduced my plastic consumption thanks to not having any horrible packaging to deal with.


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Home grown veg is happy veg! Not sure what’s happened with the fatty nose-cucumber though!

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I’m still trying to decide what to grow this winter – I’m the only one in the house that likes brussel sprouts and parsnips so my choices are limited. If you have any suggestions of what I should be planting please let me know in the comments!

The Elderly & The World Wide Web – MedAlertHelp.org

Silver Surfers are becoming one of the biggest markets online – and as the population grows older and the younger generation gets smaller it’s important to understand how people over 65 interact with technology, after all they could be your biggest consumer group if you target your product correctly! This infographic covers how people use the internet and what they are interested in knowing about.

Major Events That Changed Cybersecurity Forever – Varonis

So Google+ is being retired and as part of that announcement it was revealed (rather quietly) that up to half-a-million accounts had their details compromised – details that could be an identity thief’s dream. From each breech we learn a little more and protect ourselves from similar attacks, but what are some of the major events that had a big impact on our cyber security? The Varonis blog takes a look at 8 events that made us change our online security forever.

160 Places To Sell Or Donate Your Stuff – Simply Self Storage

Do you have a load of crap that you’ve been meaning to get rid of but haven’t? I know I do – and that big old pile in my spare room keeps growing (it’s now taking up half the floor!) Instead of leaving it to gather dust how about you do something with it and make some money or help out someone in need? If you’re not sure where to donate or sell your items then Simply Self Storage has the solution for you!

Simple Money Saving Tips To Give Your Budget A Serious Boost – Dane County Credit Union

We’re all constantly being told that we need to save money – whether it be for an emergency or retirement, but I’m sure it’s one of those things you think about and then promptly forget to concentrate on something way more exciting. Stil, there are ways you can save a little each month without having to give up your morning skinny cappuccino and Dane County Credit covers 20 ways you can put a little aside each month without losing out.

Gather These Twenty-Five Documents You Need Before You Die – Lifehacker

This may seem a little morbid but, as the old saying goes, you may be hit by a bus tomorrow. It occurred to me that my family would have no idea of my finances if I were to pass away – a lot of my accounts are online only now so don’t have any paperwork to back them up, and how would they access my phone unless they chop my finger off? Okay, morbidity aside get yourself a file or filing cabinet and put these items together – it will make your family’s life easier during a horrible time.

    Have A Great Weekend

    I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

    Until next week, Stay Productive!

    About The Author
    Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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